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Financial Health Check-up

Comprehensive Financial Assessment.
A thorough examination of your financial health, specifically designed to address the unique financial situations and aspirations of African women. We focus on assessing your financial status, identifying potential issues and risks, and charting a strategic course for your financial future.

What you get

This is what we will offer your business:

  • Assessment of financial status
  • Identification of potential issues and risks
  • Strategic course of action
  • Additional curated personal finance resources
  • Follow-up check-ins after

Time Allocation

This is how we will spend time with you:

  • Client-facing time: 3 sessions of 2 hours each, totaling 6 hours
  • Background work time: 10 hours split into 2 sessions


Platforms we’ll use

This is where we will spend time with you:

  • Google Meet or Zoom for comms
  • Google Sheets for documentation


This is how much it’s all worth:

  • One payment of KES 15,000/USD 150; OR
  • 3 payments of KES 5,000/ USD 50 each


Together We Build Your Financial Future

Ready To Get You Financial Health Checked?

Like Nothing You've Experienced Before. Reach Out To Us Today.

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